Guided Tour of the Fortuny Musuem
Guided Tour of the Fortuny Musuem

A guided tour that uncovers the history of Palazzo Fortuny, a historical residence owned by the patrician Pesaro family until the 18th century and purchased by Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo at the end of the 1800s.

Mariano Fortuny was born in Granada, Spain, but moved to Venice at the age of 18, where he came into contact with the city’s cultural circles and frequented artists and writers such as Gabriele D’Annunzio, Eleonora Duse, and Ugo Ojetti. A Scenographer and costume designer, in 1924 he married Henriette Negrin, with whom he experimented with new textile-production techniques and created the Delphos gown, a finely pleated silk dress that made Fortuny and his company world-famous. Today, the Fortuny Museum tells the story of this versatile artist and holds a collection of works which includes 150 of his paintings and numerous photographs, and documents Fortuny and Negrin’s dedication to textile creation.

  • Members only
  • There will be two slots, starting at 11 am and 11:15 am
  • Availability for 24 participants (12 participants per slot)
  • Donation of 25 euro (15 euro for Young Pass and Young Pass + friend members). The donation does not include admission to the museum. Please visit the museum’s website for tickets. Admission is free for residents or those born in the City of Venice.