Ilaria Gaspari / Antonio Calabrò
Antonio Calabro is the Senior Vice-President of Institutional Affairs and Culture at Pirelli, the President of Museimpresa and of Fondazione Assolombarda, the Vice-President of the Unione Indistriali Torino, and the President of the Regional Advisory Board of UniCredit Lombardia. He is also a board member of numerous institutions and companies, including LIUC/Libera University of Castellanza, Symbola, Nomisma, Touring Club, Fondazione Pier Lombardo, Orchestra Verdi, Milano Musica, Fondazione Unipolis, and others. As a journalist and writer, he has worked for L’Ora, Il Mondo, La Repubblica, and has been the Editorial Director of the Sole24Ore group. He has also directed La lettera finanziaria and news agency, ApCom. His latest books include La morale del tornio (2015, Università Bocconi Editore), I mille morti di Palermo (2016, Mondadori), L’Impresa riformista (2019, Università Bocconi Editore), and Oltre la fragilità (2020, Università Bocconi Editore), and L’avvenire della memoria (2022, Egea). Calabrò also lectures at the Università Cattolica di Milano.
Ilaria Gaspari was born in Milan. She studied philosophy at the Scuola Normale di Pisa and was awarded a PhD from by Paris I Penthéon-Sorbonne University. In 2015 she published her first novel, Etica dell’aquario (Voland). This was followed by Ragioni e sentimenti. L’amore preso con filosofia (Sonzogno) in 2018; Lezioni di felicità. Esercizi filosofici per il buon uso della vita (Einaudi) in 2019, translated into various languages; and Vita segreta delle Emozioni (Einaudi) in May 2021, which is currently being translated. She has collaborated with various newspapers and Rai Radio 3, and runs writing workshops at Scuola Holden in Turin and Scuola Omero in Rome.
More about Lunch Box
Luch Box is a series of four interviews streamed live on the museum’s LinkedIn and YouTube channels during lunch break ours, led by philosopher and writer ilaria Gaspari.