Guggenheim Together
Guggenheim Together

The global constellation of Guggenheim museums understands the basic human need for connection.

While socially distancing at home, you may find yourself spending more time than usual looking out your window. We invite you to consider that view actually or metaphorically, through art making, and to post your response in any media at #GuggenheimTogether by May 24 for the chance to have your work featured on social media.

Some artists in the Guggenheims’ international collections have similarly spent time considering the perspective out their windows. For inspiration, browse our collection online or see the gallery below.


Robert Delaunay
Windows Open Simultaneously 1st Part, 3rd Motif, 1912
Oil on canvas, 57 x 123 cm
Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice (Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York)

Piet Mondrian
Scaffold: Study for Tableau III, 1914
Charcoal on paper, glued on a homosote panel, 152.5 x 100 cm
Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice (Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York)

Marc Chagall
Paris through the Window, 1913
Oil on canvas, 136 x 141.9 cm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Founding Collection, By gift
© 2020 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris

Rachel Harrison
Senza titolo (Perth Amboy Series) [prayer], 2001
Chromogenic print, 66 x 53.3 cm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Purchased with funds contributed by the Photography Committee, 2002
© Rachel Harrison, Courtesy the artist and Greene Naftali, New York

Édouard Vuillard
Place Vintimille, 1909–10
Distemper on brown Kraft paper, mounted to canvas
Two panels, left panel: 200.1 x 70 cm; right panel: 200.2 x 70 cm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Thannhauser Collection, Gift, Justin K. Thannhauser, 1978

José Manuel Ballester
Palacio Real, 2009
Photographic print on canvas, 318.4 x 276 cm
Guggenheim Bilbao

Eduardo Chillida
Lo profundo es el aire, 1996
Alabaster, 94 x 122 x 124 cm
Guggenheim Bilbao

We believe that art making allows us to find and share significance in our individual experiences, while viewing works of art that others have created allows us to see the world from different perspectives. We value your unique vision and hope you will share it with our global community.

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