Double Meaning: Fernand Léger and “Men in the City”
Double Meaning: Fernand Léger and “Men in the City”

May's Double Meaning event examines Fernand Léger and his interest in depicting the human figure in the urban landscapes of the modern metropolis.

In his work Men in the City of 1919, Léger depicted mechanized and entirely depersonalized bodies reminiscent of robots. His use of geometric shapes, zig-zag lines, and tubular outlines translate the modern city and the energy of contemporary life into pictorial form.

Participants will be able to engage in a tactile exploration of the work and join a sculpture workshop led by blind artist Felice Tagliaferri, which will help create a mental image of the painting.

Double Meaning events are free, but booking is required.

For further information, reqeusts and bookings
+39 041 2405 430

Go to the Double Meaning tactile tour webpage

  • Free / Registration required
  • Peggy Guggenheim Collection