The Advisory Board of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection was established in 1980, soon after the death of the American patron of the arts, as a high-profile international group to support the museum. It is presided over by Mimi L-J Howe with Giovanna Forlanelli Rovati as Vice-President.
The Advisory Board makes an important contribution to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection by being its ambassador, promoting the collection, and encouraging friends and acquaintances to visit and support it.
The by-laws foresee about 70 members including Honorary and Emeriti members. The Advisory Board is composed of four committees—an Executive Committee, an Investment Committee, a Membership Committee and a Buildings & Grounds Committee. Adriana Batan Rocca, Chair of the Executive Committee represents the Advisory Board and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection by serving as an ex officio trustee on the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation Board of Trustees.
The Advisory Board meets twice a year—once in Venice and once in another cultural destination, with priority given to a city where an Advisory Board member resides. These meetings are an opportunity for the Advisory Board to be briefed on and discuss the progress, plans, and strategies of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection.
Participation to the Advisory Board is by invitation only.
Advisory Board
Mimi L-J. Howe
Presidents Emeriti
The Earl Castle Stewart ✝
Peter Lawson-Johnston
S.A.R. La Princesse Sibilla de Luxembourg
Giovanna Forlanelli Rovati
Honorary Co-Chair
Carla Markell
Honorary Members
Olga Adamishina
The Dowager Countess Castle Stewart
Michael P. Schulhof
Shirley Sherwood
Maria Angeles Aristrain, Condesa de Binasco
Christina Baker
Alberto Baldan
Ronald D. Balser
Adriana Batan Rocca
Anita Belgiorno-Nettis
Lidia Berlingieri
Gayle Boxer Duncanson
Ghislaine Brenninkmeijer
Lord Browne of Madingley
Ilaria Bulgari
Gaurav Burman
Giovanni Cotroneo
Pilar Crespi Robert
Alberto Cribiore
Anna D’Amelio Carbone
Isabella Del Frate Rayburn
Paula Del Sol De Solari
Stefano Del Vecchio
Francesco di Valmarana
Jacqueline Donnelly Russell
Ulla Dreyfus-Best
Robert T. Edwards
John L. Fiorilla di Santa Croce
Giuseppe Fontana
Mary E. Frank
Cinzia Giol
Anna Goldenberg
Donna Green
Joana Grevers
Maire Gullichsen Ehrnrooth
Alfredo Gysi
Hans-Christian Habermann
Lisa A. Hook
Carola Jain
Anish Kapoor
Leon Koffler
Andreas Langenscheidt
Béatrice le Hodey, Comtesse de Liedekerke
Camilla Lindfors
Elisabetta Marzetti Mallinson
Luca Marzotto
Betsy McNamara Wills
Valeria Monti
Christopher Mouravieff-Apostol
Guido Orsi
Paola Pavirani Golinelli
Anthony T. Podesta
Elizabeth R. Rea
Beatrice Rossi-Landi
Paola Segramora Rivolta
Massimo Sterpi
Carlo Traglio
Eleonora Triguboff
Melissa Ulfane
Tamara Varga
Raffaele R. Vitale
Ruth Westen Pavese
Linda Woodsmall-DeBruce
Peggy Yeoh Lee