Get closer to the world of art and culture.
The Officinæ Guggenheim level of corporate membership allows companies to approach the world of art through a viable investment.
The simple formula offers companies the opportunity to connect with one of the most important museums in Italy and explore the possibilities the Peggy Guggenheim Collection reserves for the corporate world.
Becoming an Officinæ Guggenheim member allows companies to contribute to the museum’s mission, while at the same time enhancing their cultural commitment by expanding their network and participating in benefits reserved for corporate members.
Contribution and benefits
Three ways to join the Officinæ Guggenheim, each designed for varying corporate needs:
Dedicated to bringing your company closer to the world of art
By supporting the Peggy Guggenheim Collection with an annual contribution of 7,000 euros, your company will be able to take advantage of the following benefits during the year:
- Recognition as an Officinæ Guggenheim supporter on the museum’s website and other communication supports.
- Two Corporate Cards which give access to 365 days of art (unlimited admission to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and other Guggenheim museums around the world and discounts in Guggenheim shops and restaurants)
- Two invitations for previews of temporary exhibitions (valid for a total of four people)
- Mailing of the “Peggy Guggenheim Collection E-News”
- Opportunity to identify support for the museum as a Corporate Social Responsibility activity
- 25% discount on the purchase of Be Open, Be Individual and Be Dual personalized membership cards for gifts to customers and guests which gives access to 365 days of art (unlimited admission to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and other Guggenheim museums around the world, discounted or free admission to other Italian modern and contemporary art museums, program of cultural activities reserved for museum members)
- 10% discount on the rental of museum spaces for events or private visits
- 50 free admissions to the Peggy Guggenheim Collection for company guests
- A guided tour during opening hours (maximum number of participants to be determined according to safety regulations)
Dedicated to corporate branding, networking and company employees
By supporting the Peggy Guggenheim Collection with an annual contribution of 15,000 euros, your company will be able to take advantage of the benefits at the previous level in addition to:
- A private evening visit outside of opening hours (6:30–8:30pm) for a maximum of 20 people
- Free admission for company employees (up to a maximum of 150 admissions per year)
Fanny Liotto, Anna Capuano
+39 041 2405 418 / 437