Villa Sandi

Nestled in the gentle hills of the Prosecco region, Villa Sandi maintains a deep connection to the history and traditions of its surroundings, a place where the cultivation of vines and the production of fresh and fragrant sparkling wines is a long-standing tradition of which the Moretti Polegato family has been a part of for generations.
The clean, neoclassical lines of the seventeenth-century villa, the company's headquarters and symbol, and the disciplined pattern of the vineyards represent an ideal of harmony, a source of inspiration that guides the company's work.
From the vineyard to the bottle, Villa Sandi’s production is a journey that combines tradition, the cultural heritage of region, environmental protection, and a drive for innovation.

With deep roots in the surrounding region, but a gaze fixed on broad horizons, Giancarlo Moretti Polegato carries on his family’s legacy and, with dynamism, foresight, and vision, has expanded Villa Sandi to the international market. Today, with his children Diva and Leonardo, the new keywords are speed, flexibility, and technology. Modern methods that contain the same love and dedication that, unchanged for decades, have guided the hands and minds of previous generations.
The pleasure of sharing heritage and traditions, historical and natural beauty, and experience in wine production come together at Villa Sandi in a cultural and emotional journey that encompasses history, art, landscapes, vineyards, and a love of wine and the Prosecco region, where beauty and deliciousness meet.
In collaboration with the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Villa Sandi celebrates beauty, the inspiration to recreate harmony, and a synthesis of beauty and authenticity.
