The art of silk and the textiles culture in Venice
Rubelli, Venice company and a byword for the textiles culture, and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, prestigious museum of modern art on the Canal Grande. The glory and pride of Venice.
Venice’s boundless artistic heritage also includes the art of silk that has reached lofty heights in the city of canals which boasts in fact a production of fabrics of extraordinary beauty. Beauty which Rubelli, with its textiles and furnishing products, continues to create and produce in Italy and to market all over the world, on the strength of over one hundred years’ experience, always hand in hand with ongoing innovation. Rubelli’s history has been linked to the world of art and culture right from the outset. On several occasions the historic Venice company has donated its fabrics to historical buildings, museums and theatres, has promoted and organised exhibitions and events and has worked with artists from Italy and elsewhere. It also sponsors deserving institutions like the Guggenheim, whose mission references values, such as the conservation and divulging of culture for future generations, towards which Rubelli has shown particular awareness.